

GradientHub is a place to create and share CSS gradients. It is a project by Thomas Eckert.

The project is under active development. If you have feedback, please submit it here.


2022.08.19 Simple, Lovable, and Complete

This is the first release of GradientHub, produced with the goal of being simple, lovable, and complete. Complete, but not finished. It includes the following features:

  • Anyone may browse and copy gradients.
  • Anyone may browse the profiles of users.
  • Anyone may provide feedback using the feedback page.
  • Anyone may view the about page and changelog (hello).
  • A user may log in using GitHub.
  • A logged in user may "like" gradients.
  • The gradients a user likes will appear on their profile page.
  • A logged in user may create new gradients.

I hope you enjoy this first release! Please send me as much feedback as you can.